Dr. Sidhartha Giri

Scientist Profile

Dr. Sidhartha Giri


Date of Joining : 15/09/2019
Date of Joining(present post): 15/07/2019

ICMR-RMRC, Bhubaneswar


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Educational Qualifications:

MBBS, MD (Microbiology), PhD(Microbiology)

About Profile:

Research Experience
Position Group/Division From To
Scientist E ICMR-RMRC, Bhubaneswar, Odisha July 2020 Date
Scientist E Division of Epidemiology and Communicable Diseases, Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) July 2019 July 2020
Associate Professor, Microbiology Christian Medical College, Vellore August 2018 July 2019
Assistant Professor, Microbiology Christian Medical College, Vellore May 2013 August2018
Senior medical resident Christian Medical College, Vellore September 2012 April2013
Senior resident Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER), Puducherry May, 2011 July2012
Junior Resident (PG resident) Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research Centre, Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai April, 2008 April, 2011

Research Areas: Virology, Vaccines, Immunology, Gastroenteritis, Environmental surveillance, Mycology

Workshops(last 5 years)
  1. 6 weeks training on viral gastroenteritis at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, from October-November, 2016.
  2. Presented poster on mucosal immunity to poliovirus at the 65th Annual meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH), held at Atlanta, USA, from 13-17 November, 2016.
  3. Presented 2 posters on norovirus gastroenteritis at the 66th Annual meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH), held at Baltimore, USA, from 5-9 November, 2017.
  4. Advanced course on the “Epidemiological evaluation of vaccines” at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), London, from 2-13 July, 2018.
  5. Resource person and invited speaker on “Environmental Surveillance for Salmonella and Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Genes” at the 11th International Conference on Typhoid and Other Invasive Salmonelloses held at Hanoi, Vitenam, from 26-28 March, 2019.
  6. As consultant for WHO SEARO, organized workshop for initiation of rotavirus surveillance in Male, Maldives (9th – 13th September, 2018), and in Dili, Timor Leste (24th–30th June, 2020).
  1. Major General Saheb Singh Sokhey Award for research work on communicable diseases, Indian Council of Medical Research, 2018
  2. Wellcome Trust-DBT India Alliance Early Career Fellowship (Clinical and Public Health Research),2015
  3. Senatus prize for best research publication of the year by a junior member of the faculty, CMC, Vellore, 2014.
  4. Nawopia Dr. Pankajalakshmi V. Venugopal Prize for best oral presentation in Mycology in MICROCON 2010, held atKolkata.
  5. Second prize in oral paper presentation in VIII National conference of SIHAM 2010 held at AIIMS, New Delhi.
  1. Gupta N, Potdar V, Praharaj I, Giri S, et al. Laboratory preparedness for SARS-CoV-2 testing in India: Harnessing a network of Virus Research & Diagnostic Laboratories. Indian J Med Res. 2020; 151 (2-3): 216-225
  2. Gupta N, Praharaj I, Bhatnagar T, Thangaraj JWV, Giri S, et al. Severe acute respiratory illness surveillance for coronavirus disease 2019, India, 2020. Indian J Med Res. 2020; 151 (2): 236-240
  3. Bhatnagar T, Murhekar MV, Soneja M, Gupta N, Giri S, et al. Lopinavir/ritonavir combination therapy amongst symptomatic coronavirus disease 2019 patients in India: Protocol for restricted public health emergency use. Indian J Med Res. 2020; 151 (2): 184-189
  4. ICMR COVID Study Group, COVID Epidemiology and Data Management Team, COVID Laboratory Team, VRDL Team. Laboratory surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 in India: Performance of testing & descriptive epidemiology of detected COVID-19, January 22 - April 30, 2020. Indian J Med Res. 2020; 151 (5): 424-437
  5. Sarkale P, et al. First isolation of SARS-CoV-2 from clinical samples in India.Indian J Med Res. 2020; 151 (2): 244-250
  6. Potdar V, et al. Genomic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 strains among Indians returning from Italy, Iran & China, & Italian tourists in India. Indian J Med Res. 2020; 151 (2): 255-260
  7. Gupta N, et al. Strategic planning to augment the testing capacity for COVID-19 in India. Indian J Med Res. 2020; 151 (2): 210-215
  8. Sapkal G, et al. Development of indigenous IgG ELISA for the detection of anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG. Indian J Med Res. 2020; 151 (5): 444-449
  9. Hamisu AW, Blake IM, Sume G, Braka F, Jimoh A, Dahiru H, Bonos M, Dankoli R, Bello AM, Yusuf KM, Lawal NM, Ahmed F, Aliyu Z, John D, Nwachukwu TE, Ayeni MF, Gumede-Moeletsi N, Veltsos P, Giri S, Praharaj I, Metilda A, Bandyopadhyay A, Diop OM, Grassly NC. Characterizing Environmental Surveillance Sites in Nigeria and Their Sensitivity to Detect Poliovirus and Other Enteroviruses. J Infect Dis. 2020; https://doi.org/10.1093/infdis/jiaa175
  10. Babji S, Manickavasagam P, Chen YH, Jeyavelu N, Jose NV, Praharaj I, Syed C, Kaliappan SP, John J, Giri S, Venugopal S, Kampmann B, Parker EPK, Iturriza-Gomara M, Kang G, Grassly NC, Uhlig HH. Immune predictors of oral poliovirus vaccine immunogenicity among infants in South India. npj Vaccines. 2020; 27(5). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41541-020-0178-5
  11. Shrivastava AK, Reddy NS, Giri S, Sahu PS, Das M, Mohakud NK, Das RR. Burden and Molecular Epidemiology of Rotavirus Causing Diarrhea among Under-Five Children: A Hospital-based Study from Eastern India. J Glob Infect Dis. 2019;11(4):147-152
  12. NairNP,ReddyS,GiriS,MohanVR,ParasharU,etal.Rotavirusvaccineimpactassessment surveillance in India: protocol and methods. BMJ Open.2019;9:e024840
  13. Giri S, Nair NP, Mathew A, Manohar B, Simon A, et al. Rotavirus gastroenteritis in Indian children <5 years hospitalized for diarrhoea, 2012 to 2016.BMC Public Health.2019;9:69.https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-019-6406-0
  14. Ramani S,Giri S. Influence of histo blood group antigen expression on susceptibility to enteric viruses and vaccines. Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases. 2019;32(5):445-452
  15. Reddy S, Nair NP, Giri S, Mohan VR, Tate JE, et al. Safetymonitoring of ROTAVAC vaccine and etiological investigation of intussusception in India: study protocol. BMC Public Health. 2018;18:898
  16. Praharaj I, Parker EPK, Giri S, Allen DJ, Silas S, et al. Influence of nonpolio enteroviruses and the bacterial gut microbiota on oral poliovirus vaccine response: a study from south India. J Infect Dis. 2018.https://doi.org/10.1093/infdis/jiy568
  17. ParkerEPK,WhitfieldH,BaskarC,GiriS,JohnJ,etal.FUT2secretorstatusisnotassociated withoralpoliovirusvaccineimmunogenicityinsouthIndianinfants.JInfectDis.2019;219(4):578- 581
  18. Giri S, Hemavathy RP, Arumugam R, Sherchand JB, Myat Thu H, et al. Molecular epidemiology of rotaviruses in the south-east Asian region from 2009 to 2015.Vaccine.2018;36:7851-7855
  19. GiriS,KumarN,DhanapalP,etal.Quantityofvaccinepoliovirussheddeterminesthetiterof the serum neutralizing antibody response in Indian children who received oral vaccineJ Infect Dis.2018;217:1395-1398
  20. Parker EPK, Praharaj I, Zekavati A, Lazarus RP, Giri S, et al. Influence of the intestinal microbiota on the immunogenicity of oral rotavirus vaccine given to infants in south India. Vaccine.2018;36(2):264-272
  21. LazarusRP,JohnJ,ShanmugasundaramE,RajanAK,ThiagarajanS,GiriS,etal.Theeffect of probiotics and zinc supplementation on the immune response to oral rotavirus vaccine: A randomized, factorial design, placebo-controlled study among Indian infants. Vaccine.2018;36(2):273-279
  22. Giri S, Rajan AK, Kumar N, et al. Comparison of culture, single and multiplex real-time PCR for detection of Sabin poliovirus shedding in recently vaccinated Indian children. J Med Virol.2017;9999:1–4.https://doi.org/10.1002/jmv.24793
  23. JohnJ*,GiriS*,KarthikeyanAS,LataD,JeyapaulS,RajanAK,etal.Thedurationofintestinal immunity after an inactivated poliovirus vaccine booster dose in children immunized with oral vaccine: a randomised controlled trial. J Infect Dis.2016 doi:10.1093/infdis/jiw595
  24. Kaliappan SP, Venugopal S, Giri S, Praharaj I, Karthikeyan AS, Babji S, et al. Factors determining anti-poliovirus type 3 antibodies among orally immunised Indian infants. Vaccine.2016; 34(41):4979-4984
  25. Grassly NC, Praharaj I, Babji S, Kaliappan SP, Giri S, Venugopal S, et al. The effect of azithromycin on the immunogenicity of oral poliovirus vaccine: a double-blind randomisedplacebocontrolled trial in seronegative Indian infants. Lancet Infect Dis.2016; 16 (8):905-914
  26. MenonVK,GeorgeS,SarkarR,GiriS,SamuelP,RosarioV,etal.NorovirusGastroenteritis in a Birth Cohort in Southern India. PloS ONE.2016; http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0157007
  27. John J*, Giri S*, Karthikeyan AS, Iturriza-Gomara M, Muliyil J, Abraham A, et al. Effect of a single inactivated poliovirus vaccine dose on intestinal immunity aagainst poliovirus in children previously given oral vaccine: an open-label, randomized controlled trial. Lancet.2014;384(9953):1505-1502
  28. GiriS,KindoAJ,KalyaniJ.Candidemiainintensivecareunitpatients:Aoneyearstudyfrom a tertiary care center in South India. J Postgrad Med.2013;59:190-5
  29. Giri S, Kindo AJ, Rao S, Kumar AR. Unusual causes of fungal rhinosinusitis: A study from a tertiary care centre in South India. Indian J Med Microbiol. 2013;31:379-84
  30. Giri S, Kindo AJ, Kalyani J. Fatal case of candidemia due to Candida glabrata. J Lab Physicians.2014;6(1):63:63
  31. Giri S, Kindo AJ. Evaluation of antifungal susceptibility testing in Candida isolates by Candifast and disk-diffusion method. Indian J PatholMicrobiol.2014;57(4):595-597
  32. GiriS,KindoAJ.EvaluationofFivePhenotypicTestsintheIdentificationofCandidaSpecies.NationalJournal of laboratory Medicine.2015;4(4): 13-18
  33. Kindo AJ, Ramalakshmi S, Giri S, Abraham G. A fatal case of prostatic abscess in a post- renal transplant recipient caused by Cladophialophoracarrionii. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl.2013;24:769
  34. Parija SC, Giri S. Emerging protozoal pathogens in India: How prepared are we to face the threat? TropParasitol.2012;2:13-19
  35. Mandal J, Giri S, Parija SC. Ethics of editorial and peer review. TropParasitol.2012;2:4-5
  36. Giri S, Kindo AJ. A review of Candida species causing blood stream infection. Indian J Med Microbiol.2012;30:270-8
  37. Vijayakumar R, Giri S, Kindo AJ. Molecular species identification of Candida from blood samples of intensive care unit patients by polymerase chain reaction- Restriction fragment length polymorphism. J LabPhysicians.2012;4:1-4
  38. GiriS,ParijaSC.Areviewondiagnosticandpreventiveaspectsofcysticechinococcosisand human cysticercosis. Trop Parasitol2012;2:99-108
  39. Kindo AJ, Giri S, Rao S, Rekha A. Abscesses that did not respond to just incision drainage and antibiotics. Int J Low ExtremWounds.2010;9(4):160-2.

Joint first authors

Book Chapters

  1. Kang G, Giri S. Chapter 34.3: Enteric Adenoviruses. Hunter’s Tropical Medicine and Emerging Infectious Disease. 10e.2019.

Kang G, Giri S. Chapter 34.4: Astroviruses. Hunter’s Tropical Medicine and Emerging Infectious Disease. 10e.201

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